MSC 2009 preliminary report message Dear Colleagues and Friends, The Third IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2009) is now a part of history. It was a success with 295 registered participants from 46 countries. Many participants came from Russia (33), Japan (27), France (25), USA (25). 334 papers of 525 submitted were included into the program and about 320 of them were presented. As many as 310 full text papers are included into the CD-ROM Proceedings. All the papers presented at the Conference will be published in the IEEE Xplore electronic library. Nine invited sessions have been organized and six worldwide known scholars have given excellent plenary talks. The final lecture was delivered by Prof. Lino Guzzella from ETH, Switzerland who was the recipient of the newly introduced IEEE CSS Transition to Practice Award in 2008. The award was presented by the IEEE CSS President Tariq Samad. It was announced that Prof. Kameshwar Poolla from University of California at Berkeley has become the 2009 Awardee. Prof. Poolla will be invited to give a plenary lecture at MSC 2010 in Yokohama. More than 60 participants from developing countries got support from IEEE CSS Travel Support and Conference Support programs which were very helpful and provided full registration fee waivement, lunches and banquet. At the closing ceremony four Best Student Paper Award finalists were awarded with certificates: Khalifa Al-Hosani, Karla Kvaternik, Bernd Schmidt, Chistoffer Sloth. And the winner was Karla Kvaternik from the University of Alberta, Canada (adviser Dr. Alan Lynch). Congratulations! Exhibitions from National Instruments, Quanser, Springer companies attracted interest of many participants as well as presentation of LEGO-robotics made by the students of St.Petersburg State University and students of Liceum (High school) #239 of Saint Petersburg. It was announced that the next IEEE MSC will be organized in 2010 in Yokohama, Japan. The Conference Photo Gallery is posted. Many thanks to all the participants for their coming and for their contribution into success of the Conference! On behalf of MSC 2009 Committees,
Alexander Fradkov,
Deadline for submission:
extended deadline: January 22, 2009.
Notification of acceptance:
April 6, 2009.
Camera ready copy:
May 5, 2009.
July 8-10, 2009.
The 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control (MSC), to be held at the
The conference proceedings will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by INSPEC. Some limited funds for participants from developing countries will be available.
Agricultural systems Aerospace systems Automotive systems Biological and pharmaceutical processes Biomedical systems Chemical processes Cyberphysical systems Discrete event systems Distributed intelligent networked systems Embedded controlled systems Electronic systems Fault diagnosis Fault tolerant control Fuzzy and neural control Hybrid systems Mathematical modeling Marine and vehicular systems Mechanical systems and robotics |
Mechatronic systems Metal processing Mining systems Multi-agent control Nanotechnologies Networked controlled systems Oil drilling systems Power systems Predictive and adaptive control Robotics Robust control Structural control System identification Sensor networks Transportation systems Telecommunications and networks Vehicular and traffic control |
English will be the official language of the Conference. No simultaneous translation will be provided.