ENOC 2008 final report.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The Sixth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2008) is now a part of history. It was a success with 302 registered participants from 38 countries. There were 190 international participants, including 20 from Germany, 18 from Italy, 16 from Netherlands, 15 from UK, 13 from France, 12 from USA, 10 from Ukraine, 8 from Japan and Iran. 325 talks (5 plenary, 275 oral and 45 poster) of more than 370 submitted were included into the preliminary program. 284 full text papers are included into the CD-ROM Proceedings. All the papers presented at the conference will be published in the IPACS Open Access Electronic Library at by September, 2008. The Conference Photo Gallery is posted at
At the closing ceremony two Young Author Awards were presented to Gaetan Kerschen (University of Liege) and to Rob Mestrom (TU Eindhoven). It was announced that the next ENOC Conference will be organized in 2011 in Rome, Italy.
Many thanks to all the participants for their coming and for their contribution into success of ENOC 2008!
On behalf of ENOC 2008 Steering and Organizing Committees,
Alexander Fradkov
IPME, RAS, St.Petersburg, Russia
REGISTRATION DESK. The registration desk will be open for registration matters and other infor ma tion during the following hours:
Sunday, June 29, 15:00-20:00 (Hotel Saint Petersburg),
Monday, June 30, 8:30-12:30 (Hotel Saint Petersburg), 14:30-18:30 (Math&Mech Faculty SPbSU)
Tuesday, July 1, 9:00-15:00, (Math&Mech Faculty SPbSU)
Wednesday, July 2, 9:00-13:00, (Math&Mech Faculty SPbSU)
Thursday, July 3, 9:00-13:00 (Math&Mech Faculty SPbSU).
ENOC'08 GEOGRAPHY: Map of the city center (PDF,144Kb); Map of ENOC'08 objects (JPG, 811Kb).
ENOC'08 Opening and plenaries will take place in the hotel "Saint Petersburg".
Opening: June 30, at 9:30.
Address: "Saint Petersburg" Hotel, Pirogovskaya embankment, 5/2,
Metro station "Finlandskiy vokzal".
The oral and poster sessions will be held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
of St.Petersburg State University, located within a walking distance from the metro station
Address: Vasilievskiy Ostrov, 14th Linia, 29.
Shuttle buses between the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics and
the hotel "Saint Petersburg": ask time-table at the Registration desk.
Public transportation: tram #6, route bus #30.
1. Cell phone number +7-921-794-0876 can be used for inquires and emergency cases until the end of the Conference.
Multimedia projectors will be available in each room.
If you need other equipment (e.g. overhead projectors) please contact Organizers.
Allotted time for oral presentations:
- Plenary talk 45 minutes (including 5 min. for discussion)
- Invited talk 40 or 30 minutes (including 5 min. for discussion, according to the preliminary program)
- Presentation at regular or invited session 20 minutes (including 5 min. for discussion).
Posters at the poster session (July 1, 17:00-18:30) should be posted at least one hour before start of the session. (Rooms will be available starting from lunch-time) Vertically oriented space 600mm by 840mm will be provided for each paper.
3. ENOC 2008 SOCIAL PROGRAM includes:
- Welcome reception: June 29, 19:30-21:30, Hotel Saint Petersburg (EUR 25.00, free for fully registered participants and registered accompanying persons);
- Banquet with tour to Peterhof on July 2 (EUR 90.00, free for fully registered participants and registered accompanying persons); (departure from ENOC’08 venue at 13:15, bus tour to Peterhof, guided walk in the park of Peterhof, banquet in the University Restaurant at 18:00-22:00, transfer to the hotels by bus by 23:15).
- Survey bus tour over Saint Petersburg on June 30, 18:30-21:30 (EUR 20–25, free for fully registered participants and registered accompanying persons);
- Tour to the Hermitage: July 1, 12:00; July 3, 12:00; July 4, 13:30; July 5, 10:00 (EUR 20–25, depending on the number of attendees)
- Tour to the Russian Museum: July 3, 12:00 (EUR 20–25, depending on the number of attendees);
- Bus tour to Peterhof “Peterhof Fountains”: July 2, 13:15, duration about 5 hours (EUR 45–50, depending on the number of attendees);
- Bus tour to Tsarskoe Selo (Katherine’s palace, Amber Room): July 4, 13:30, duration about 4 hours (EUR 45-50, depending on the number of attendees);
- Night city bus tour: July 3, 23:00-2:00 (EUR 20-25, depending on the number of attendees, departs from the hotel Saint Petersburg).
1. Price of the tours may vary depending on the number of attendees; tour may be canceled if the number of reservations is not sufficient.
2. Tickets will be available at the registration desk on June 29, 15:00–20:00; June 30, 8:30–16:00; July 1, 9:00–15:00; July 2, 9:00–13:00; July 3, 9:00–13:00.
3. Tours depart from the Conference venue, except Night city tour. Transportation from hotel St.Petersburg can be arranged upon request.
4. Individual tours are available upon request. Please contact Natalia Dudarenko at
Since a lot of tourists are expected in Saint Petersburg in summer, we need advance planning of the events. Please contact Natalia Dudarenko at to make reservation
ENOC 2008 Preliminary technical program in PDF format is posted.
The speakers are kindly asked to check it against
possible scheduling confilcts. Social program and other
important information will be posted on June 10.
Reviewing for the ENOC'08 is completed. 270 regular and invited papers and 55 poster papers are included into the preliminary program.
In addition to 15 Minisymposia three general sections (Applications in Physics and Nanomechanics, Mathematical Aspects of Nonlinear Dynamics, Nonlinear Control)
were introduced in order to incorporate large number of papers not closely related to the themes of the Minisymposia. More than 250 reviewers participated in paper reviewing.
ENOC 2008 Organizers take a chance to thank the MS Chairs, Editors and reviewers for their valuable help.
Registration, Visa support, Accomodation information and Authors' guidelines for Final paper submission are posted.
Submission to ENOC 2008 is completed.
More than 360 papers from 41 countries are submitted and sent to reviewers.
Owing to extension of paper submission deadline other deadlines are changed as follows.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 15, 2008.
Camera ready (final) paper submission: May 1, 2008.
Registration information will be available by March 15 on the ENOC'08 website and included into the notification letter.
320 papers from 41 countries are already submitted to ENOC'08. It is decided to continue submission till December 21, 2007.
1. In response to a number of requests, submission deadline for ENOC'08 is extended till December 15, 2007. To submit your paper go to Paper submission page.
2. Style and formatting of the manuscript do not matter at this stage since the paper will be used only for reviewing. However those wishing to get an idea of the style and formatting of the final submission can download zipped archive with instructions for the preparation of an ENOC-2008 paper using LaTeX here. MS Word users can also use file enoc08.pdf from this archive as a sample.
3. The final versions of the papers accepted for ENOC'08 will be included (upon agreement of the authors) into the Open Access e-Library of the IPACS (International Physics and Control Society) co-sponsoring ENOC'08, see and posted on the web after the conference.
4. Full early Registration fee is expected to be about EUR 430. It covers attendance of all sessions, proceedings on CD-ROM, program and abstracts volume, transfer to and from airport, lunches and refreshments during the conference, city bus tour, welcome reception and conference banquet. Reduced fee for some categories will be introduced. One may get an idea of registration procedures and hotel prices from the website of the related conference ALCOSP'07 However conference hotels may be changed since negotiations with hotels are still underway.
5. Please consider a possibility to participate in the partner event: International Summer School "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" (APM'08) July 6—10, 2008. After spending a few days at ENOC 2008 in St. Petersburg you will have a remarkable chance to spend another week at the beautiful coast of the Baltic Sea in the country resort Repino where APM'08 will be held. Registration fee for those participating in both events will be significantly reduced.
The site for electronic submission is open.
To submit your paper go to Paper submission.